Thoughts and prayers

By wil - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Nashville

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because "God" told her to. I guess "God" didn't have any problems with me buying dinner first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 096
You deserved it 2 942

Top comments

Steal some food out of house and tell her that 'God' told you to

Damn... Looks like "God" really has it in for you. Although, I think we all know it was probably Castiel or Metatron. My money is on Metatron. The plan is just about evil enough to fit his profile. Am I displaying my "nerd" too much? Yeah... Probably.


God is good all the time… just maybe not to the right people every time

I'm sorry but it really sounded like you've managed to contradict yourself in one comment. He's good all the time but not to the right people every time...? Then he wouldn't be good all the time?

@43 pretty sure he was joking and it went way over your head....

gintwinsmoore 20

What kind of Christian are you to make a comment like this, #1??? This is precisely the BS people leave the church for! Unless, you're not Christian and you were being sarcastic by this...follow up?

It was sarcasm, at least one person got it…

Steal some food out of house and tell her that 'God' told you to

I guess "God" gave him another opportunity to find someone else.

Where did you eat? Not somewhere too nice I hope.

Tell her that God told YOU to get back with her ;)

Uhm, no! If she takes advice from "god" = not worth the trouble

But he could leave her because God told him to do it after they got back together. God is not sure what he wants, haha

Sounds fair, even God has to be allowed fun every now and again. Unlucky it was at your expense.

this is the stupidest comment ever. how would you know that?

Obviously #19, #5 would know this cause we've all been part of one of Gods jokes here and there, today just happens to be OPs turn... Sorry OP

Guess that sounded like a good excuse to her. Sounds like you'll be better off without though. Gl finding someone better :)

Damn... Looks like "God" really has it in for you. Although, I think we all know it was probably Castiel or Metatron. My money is on Metatron. The plan is just about evil enough to fit his profile. Am I displaying my "nerd" too much? Yeah... Probably.

I have to ask... Are you a dean girl or a Sam girl? ?

You can never show too much nerd. I applaud the outward proclamation of your fandom. Stand tall and proud!

I don't know man, seems like more of a Crowley thing to do

finally I have found the fandom for his dark materials!

You deserve someone better than that, don't let it get you down.