This is lit

By a genius - 12/02/2009 13:28 - United States

Today, I lit a cigarette in the opposite direction of the wind. My hair blew into it, and caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 907
You deserved it 60 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surgeon General is right - Smoking CAN kill you! or ... at least light your head on fire.


Surgeon General is right - Smoking CAN kill you! or ... at least light your head on fire.

That's okay I leaned over a candle and my hair got set on fire. Wasn't pretty.

That is just unfortunate, but still kinda your fault. My condolences

Michael Jackson got his hair lit on fire at one point... Look how he turned out. ... wait... that's not helpful, is it. Meh, smoking is gross anyway.

surely he would have just melted. Or was this before the transformation?

A few years ago, when i was still in high school, my sister sprayed this styling crap all over my head while i was brushing my teeth. Driving to school i went to light my cigarette, and apparently what ever my sister doused my hair with was extremely flammable. fml.

i cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me! once my bangs went up in flames and me along with all my friends started smacking my face/head until i fell on the floor. as long as we keep surviving!

midnightlime 0

#9 is right... atleast next time you'd light yourself on fire to get high :-P (no, i'm not a total pothead, i just like to smoke somtimes)