This is boring

By Anonymous - 26/04/2014 20:05 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I am on vacation in Dubai with my dad and a few of his friends. I thought we were going to travel and see some amazing things, but I'm confined to my hotel room while everyone drinks and watches Family Guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 913
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

worst vacation ever... at least you can see some exotic cars?


When I saw your comment, in my head it sounded like Spongebob.

In Dubai, females don't just go strollin the streets on their own. I may be wrong but i don't think it's that kind of place.

Since she's a female and most likely young, she can't do so in a foreign place without much knowledge on how everything is, regardless of where she travels. That's how you get in a lot of trouble.

Are you even not allowed to go to the hotel pool? Fyl

I don't know too much about the laws over there but I know from friends that they have some pretty strict laws regarding females in public (eg. they have to cover their legs and most of the arms, holding hands in public will land you in jail etc.) so maybe it's wouldn't be safe for the OP to go out on her own? It sucks though that the relatives spend loads of money to just sit around in a hotel. Like, really?

Dubai is like the Vegas of the Middle East. It's where the Arabs go to drink and get hookers. It's an expensive city, but lots to do there if you have the money and it's not during Ramadan. I've spent quite a bit of time there for work. Go to the Burge Khalifa!

Ah, thanks for the info :D So maybe they have some guided tours there that the OP could attend? Although it might be too late for that now ;)

Tell them that they can watch Family Guy at home and Peter won't mind he doesn't get to see them for a while! Don't let them ruin your vacation.

What a waste of a trip to Dubai. Can you take an organised day tour without the drunks and do some sightseeing on your own? Good luck.

I would say explore on your own, but you're female and depending on your age, that could be very risky.

rickielynn 2

It doesn't matter whichever sex you are! ( rant time *sorry new to this*) if you're male everyone ASSUMES you can handle yours.... To my experience ( being female) not one of my male friends can * handle theirs* ha I am a 5"6 100lbs woman and I've fought ( at the biggest honestly a 6"0 *probably 250* kinda skinny but still man and I dropped him with 2 hits. So sec does not matter it's what you know. If you know that you're in another country you know NOTHING about don't be stupid! God knows EVERY PARENT thought allllllll of us to NOT talk to strangers! J. And also on this entire thing. Either push one of them mofos to take to somewhere interesting or go by yourself but NEVER EVER at night!!!!!!!! In any country! K✌️

The problem might be the laws some countries have it that a woman must be accompanied by a man at all times unless in the house

RedPillSucks 31

@67 being a bad ass doesn't stop you from getting gang raped.

Except it really does! The world isn't gender blind and women are generally weaker. There will be some exceptions but it's dangerous for women in many 3rd world countries to walk alone, and they may not even be allowed to do so. I'm sure you're writing this in a safe country (I am!) but walk out into other places with that sort of mentality and you're going to get hurt.

Dumb ass. The law works against woman in the middle east, even Dubai if you cross the line. I would suggest you team up with other woman visitng and tour with them.

Try talking to them OP. You can drink and watch family guy anytime but it's not very often that you get to go to such a awesome place like that. Hopefully they can set aside at least one day to do fun stuff with you. Good luck!

TeacherTeacher 11

Go to the hotel concierge and ask about the Big Red Bus tours. It's a hop on hop off tour so if you want to spend a little more time in the gold souk or Dubai Mall, you can. While long sleeves are not required (I have seen people dressed in gets ups I would consider hooker chic in the US), they are a good idea as the sun is brutal and will fry you to a crisp. I have lived in Abu Dhabi for 4 years and been to Dubai many times. Hope you have a better day today.