This ain't no place to be if you planned on bein' a star

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took my car to a drive-through car wash. It wasn't until after my back seat was filled with foam and I had been squirted in the face that I realized my back seat window was rolled down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 101
You deserved it 37 064

Top comments

That sucks, but you REALLY should check that beforehand. Just sayin'.

amanda_say_whutt 9

Dude look, you paid for a car wash but instead you got a free shower.


That sucks, but you REALLY should check that beforehand. Just sayin'.

At least the inside of the vehicle is clean now.

Uh, YEAH you should check. And I can't believe it took your seat filling up with foam to REALIZE that a window was rolled down. You sound exceptionally unobservant.

You didn't hear loud, strange noises? Like they said, you took that long to figure it out? Smh

and now op doen't need to waste time taking a shower and doing laundry when they get home lol

thatshot808 6

ALWAYS check the windows before washing your car. It's common sense and if the window open was the one behind the drivers seat, then you defiantly deserve it!

Medkits are you for real a Physician Assistant? If so, I have some questions for you, because I plan to be one. If that's fine with you.

I bet you like getting stuff squirt onto your face, OP.

48 -Drop me a PM when you get the chance.

Hm. I saw a post just like this on Facebook yesterday.

You know what else is weird he got squirted in the face yet it was his back window that was open

On the plus side, you won't have to wash the inside of your car:)

OP's used to getting squirted in the face

This is your own stupid fault, you ruined your car be side you're an idiot. Wahhh.

amanda_say_whutt 9

Dude look, you paid for a car wash but instead you got a free shower.

This where you call all your friends to have a wild foam party in the back of your car.

This is totally a YDI! If the car could talk it would probably say "sell me, please!" Get off the roads. That way your car can be nice and clean at home.

NBZ_fml 3

Funny how you didn't notice until the car wash creamed on your face