The usual?

By Cian_1 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Herne Bay

Today, it has got to the point that I don't even have to ask for my booze in the local off-licence, they just hand me my bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 617
You deserved it 6 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there was one case where an old lady would order the same pizza everyday for three years without fail to the point where they would cook it before she even phoned. One day when she didn't call the driver went to her house to check on her and found she suffered a stroke. moral of the story: your alcoholism could one day save your life!

Now might be a time to get some help bud....


Now might be a time to get some help bud....

Exactly! It's a good thing OP recognized this issue when they did. Get help now before it gets worse.

Just because they realize it doesn't mean they will get help. It's sad..

Congratulations - you've finally made it.

I walk into my regular liquor store once a week at max, and they recognize me every time I come in. Maybe OPs case is more severe, buy some store clerks just recognize faces easier.

lite. Get it? Budlite? I'll see myself out.

You have a problem but the world accepts you

Maybe that might mean you go there too much OP! Think about you're actions, maybe you could change some things.

The one time someone finally uses "you're"... And it's wrong

Disliked for incorrect use of 'you're'

instead of ******** on the guys spelling how about just accept the fact he has a good point and isnt being a knob!

36, how could you expect rationality and equitable discourse on this site? He used the wrong "you're"; burn him at the stake! It must be noted that I am usually the most passionate about syntax and grammar, especially when I see things like "your an idiot" tossed around on forums, but the guy made a point, and is being lambasted because he blundered on one word. :/

Haha thanks! I hate it when people use the wrong "your" so I don't know what I was thinking that day!

So you're an alcoholic. What's the problem?

That he's an alcoholic, this should be apparent...

Why is that a problem? Live and let live.

No, he's a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.

because being an alcoholic can kill him, hurt his family, and via bad decisions (such as drunk driving) hurt or kill innocent bystanders...

Or maybe they drink, relax and have a fun time instead of killing people.

Red_Curls1995 28

You may want to get some help.

Accepting is the first step! Take the next... Goodluck!

I'm more impressed you aren't constantly changing to wherever it's on offer

there was one case where an old lady would order the same pizza everyday for three years without fail to the point where they would cook it before she even phoned. One day when she didn't call the driver went to her house to check on her and found she suffered a stroke. moral of the story: your alcoholism could one day save your life!

#11, I don't think alcoholism will save OP's life...

I ordered pizza like that once a week for 2 years... Moved away came back after 3 years and they remembered.... It was kinda shocking

mwali02 32

lol. Crazy story #11. Thanks for sharing! ;)

What the F*** kind of logic is that??? Keep drinking until you're on dialysis, then some random person MIGHT think about trying to help you?

daniel271 13

How the **** will that help anybody.

I think eating pizza every day for three years is what gave her the stroke. Just saying.

You stole that from an old news article