The single life

By Anonymous - 11/07/2021 00:02

Today, I was invited to my ten year high school reunion. I refuse to go because I’ll stick out like a sore thumb. All the girls I grew up with will be there with their husbands, while I’m a single loser who can’t get a man to save her life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 892
You deserved it 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Contrary to popular belief, life isn't some competition. Everyone has their own pace, morals, beliefs-- stop comparing yourself to others and live your life.

That's not a failing. My uncle didn't get married until 50, and he had a great time being single until then, because he had a lot of life to keep him busy. You don't have to have a husband to be successful; you just need to find things you enjoy doing and go do them.


Don't worry about it. There are other ways to compete with your former classmates. Like, how many of the husbands do you think have side girls? Lmao

That's not a failing. My uncle didn't get married until 50, and he had a great time being single until then, because he had a lot of life to keep him busy. You don't have to have a husband to be successful; you just need to find things you enjoy doing and go do them.

brockwaycc 3

You don’t have to be with someone else or married to be successful in life. Don’t be so hard on yourself!

Contrary to popular belief, life isn't some competition. Everyone has their own pace, morals, beliefs-- stop comparing yourself to others and live your life.

Jon Tessler 14

go to the reunion, to not go, because of how others will view you only hurts you in the end.

It's okay, I'm not.going to.mine.because I became the criminal out of my graduating class and I don't really care for them to see that

ladylex 5

You should go! Maybe you’ll meet an old school mate of yours who is also single... maybe more than one! Keep your head held high and show your old friends how happy you are with your life and don’t need a husband to be happy.

smackthat23 3

If I went to my high school reunion and someone hadn’t been married yet, I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. Everyone has different goals in life and some people genuinely want to be alone. Marriage isn’t some achievement to show off.

Angarik 6

live your life girl! Travel the world! be free. make your mark on the world. who cares what others think about you. the only opinions of you that matter are your own.

randybryant799 20

Gee with your attitude I'm not surprised. Stop comparing yourself to others. You'll never be happy that way.