The more the merrier

By ._. - 01/05/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, I found out my niece will born in about two weeks. That's nice, right? It is… except for the fact that there will now be FIVE people in my family with a birthday in May. As if trying to plan for four birthday parties in three weeks wasn't bad enough. Why not five? FML
I agree, your life sucks 166
You deserved it 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sounds like one big party for all should suffice.

Sympathies. We have that in September. Basically you're just going to have to ban sex in August for your family.


Sympathies. We have that in September. Basically you're just going to have to ban sex in August for your family.


sounds like one big party for all should suffice.

at least yours is the same month. mine is the same day. we have 3 Nov 1st and 5 Nov 2nd, 10th and 15th. that's just November

Suaria 38

I can understand this. My siblings and I were all born in May. So the family celebrates three birthdays in May

My daughter was the 7th family member to be born in July. It's a hectic month!

cpguru24 15

What a stupid thing to complain about.

Not every birthday needs a party. In my family, birthdays cluster in May and July. It's no big deal.