
By glens - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my company announced a new name. They also announced new coffee mugs with the name on them. They've not announced raises in over 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 925
You deserved it 2 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sure that sucks, but in today's economy you should just be grateful you have a job at all!

well that sorta sucks but the pay must be decent enough for you to be there for over 3 years..


know the feeling!! and it really sucks when there aren't work out there really so you have to take it. good luck op!

YDI cuz after finding out they don't offer raises you stayed....

Yeah, because it's just so very easy these days to find other jobs. For all we know, OP could be looking and just not having any luck.

In Slovenia is situation quite similar...about payment raises...

blink_kid 32

Should have spent the money on raises instead of coffee mugs.

Wadlaen 23

They probably can't afford raises. Coffee mugs and company names aren't free, you know.