Thanks, I guess

By Stuckism - 15/09/2009 17:16 - Malaysia

Today, I got stuck in an elevator. The help-line told me, "Don't touch the door. We'll be there soon". Two hours later, I had a headache, my legs were stiff, and my date must've thought I stood her up. The tech finally arrived, pries the door open, then rudely asked, "Why didn't you do that yourself?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 456
You deserved it 3 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I cant blame you. It wasnt ur fault u got stuck and it wasnt your fault the tech was a prick.


That's my nightmare! I had to go to therapy for fear of elevators as a child because of this exact situation.

Jeeze some people are just straight up stupid.. Not you but the tech and the help line.

i_stay_anonymous 0

Why didn't you call your date..?

Some people don't get good/any reception in elevators.

did you slam his head into the sign and make him read it cause i would of done it if he gave me that kind of response.

Good to know that Malaysia is still heading towards Vision 2020. For those of you wondering why didn't the OP do something back to the techie, in our country the techie could have just bashed his head in with his tools and probably gotten away with it.

Tokie_fml 0

I call this a fake.... I build elevators for a living and you can't just pry the doors open... too many safety mechanisms to prevent this

v1kt4r 13

then clearly you dont know your job very well coz i've pried elevator doors apart before

I've been informed that actually trying to open up and climb out of an elevator independatly is abt the WORST thing you can do...I mean really....get doors open...start climbing...elevator slips....*snick*.....

what did he say after you punched him in his cockholster?