Testing testing

By frustrated - 01/06/2009 07:06 - Hong Kong

Today, I met my boyfriend in Hong Kong after being apart for almost 6 months. We got to our room and got right down to business. I was just about to come when a voice came over the PA system in the room. "This is just a fire alarm test, sorry for any inconvenience." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 135
You deserved it 5 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

johnnyub40 0

Agreed #5...get over it and get back to business.

iheartsnapple 0


This is SO not FML. Really. You didn't have to stop anything.

why is this a fml? its not like someone came in your room, just ignore it and get on with it.

dancing_bear 0

Posted to show off about your sex life? :

Why is this a FML? In the words of George Carlin, put on a hat and go to work you shallow c**t

zander09 0

This has happened to me too, just not in Hong Kong.

CryingHowls 0

to #13: many things are announced both in Chinese and in English in Hong Kong. You would think that something as important as the PA announcement would be announced in both languages. and many people in Hong Kong are bilingual (i know 4 languages used in Hong Kong), so they can understand the language. and to #17 - usually, people are supposed to leave the rooms during tests. some people refuse to though =/ OP, yea that does kinda suck =p i say work with it! hahaha. just get ur groove back on and keep goin >=] random: hong kong is awesome =p

Linesksc 0

for one thing, once the test is done go back at it... another thing... if it ha been mentioned, like the fact that in hong Kong people speak English, don't keep saying the same thing over again, seriously... I would look at this as an opportunity to have sex again :) and it will always be something you two will be able to laugh about. def not a FML

get ur money back for that hotel room.