Today, I was babysitting my niece and let her watch cartoons on YouTube while I cooked dinner. She screamed as I was cutting up carrots and I cut myself. She had turned on an episode of Happy Tree Friends and was now crying and wouldn't stop. My brother thumped me for not watching her. I now have a cut hand and black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 298
You deserved it 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did the kid scream? And how was it severe enough that you would be physically battered by your brother? Seems there are a lot of missing bits of info.

Did you call the police when your brother assaulted you?


Why did the kid scream? And how was it severe enough that you would be physically battered by your brother? Seems there are a lot of missing bits of info.

Go watch Happy Tree Friends and get back to us.

angeleyes0724 10

I take it you've never seen Happy Tree Friends. That's all the context you need to know why she screamed

a cut will pass in a day or two. The potential truma didn't protect your niece from might last for life. YDI, and I hope they won't let you babysit anymore

Did you call the police when your brother assaulted you?

Kaelyn _Micanna 6

If my little kid had seen Happy Tree Friends because of your neglect, I would have hit you too. That stuff is traumatic for Kids.