Sting operation

By Anonymous - 02/08/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I sold a customer some beer. He then asked to see the manager, and told me he was a 19 year-old undercover cop. My knee jerk reaction was to panic and curse aloud, before realizing he was balding, toothless, probably 50, certainly not a cop, and laughing at me for being such a gullible moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 663
You deserved it 53 954

Same thing different taste


This isnt an FML you should consider yourslef lucky

ksunnyv1011 0

19....where are you you have to be 18 to buy beer

average_girl 0

the OP is from Georgia. Where are you from??

#30, the internet is a really amazing thing, isn't it? You know, being connected to all different parts of the world, where things are different; like drinking ages. I don't want to sound rude (though I probably have already...) but please become a little more culturally educated. The world is very different from the town/city where you live.

DeadMansCrack 4

Wow, that was a little bitchy. It was just a question. Damn, OP that's kind of ridiculous.

jumperdreams 0

well now you now better :D from now on always check unless its like some 80 year old then im pretty sure its safe to not check

Unless the OP is a waiter or this post is belated, I call bullshit. Any native Georgian would know that it is illegal to sell beer on Sunday.

Bored_2_Death 0

Fmls take days to get moderated so this most likely didn't happen today

Ludaman44 0

Funny thing is, you should realize that it takes more then one year to become a cop. If he was 20 it would have been more believable. 19 year olds do not become cops.

In some small towns you can become a cop right out of High School.

valdigrad 0

Hey, on the bright side you didn't get in trouble since you WERE breaking the law. Had you noticed he was too old and told him to f*** off, he would have been pissed and told the manager. You made him laugh and ignore your mistake ;)

how drunk were you yourself man, for a 50yr old to be bale to pass off as a 19yr old in your eyes. you serve the beer, dont drink it! YDI