Steady decline

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed my house smells a lot like my grandma's. Not because we use the same cleaning products or anything like that, but because I'm slowly turning into a crazy cat lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 657
You deserved it 25 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

metalmusic 0

Acceptance is the first step. Febreze is the second.

coolcat33 0

mmm the sweet smell of cat butthole.. it makes me wanna go eat a tuna fish sandwich


88sforlife 0

I Happen To Find Crazy Cat Ladyz Very Sexy

ZombieKitteh 8

so what? Kittehs rule. If kittehs could protect people there wouldn't be any goggies left XD

hopejm 5

there is a great new product called Poofh. it actually does work.