Sociopath time

By i…… - 14/04/2022 14:00

Today, my son’s mother is dying. He told me he feels “nothing at all” because of it. The reason? “Sometimes she punished me.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 931
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Sawyer 11

you can't force someone to be sad. it will just push them away. He obviously has his own coping mechanisms. It might take months or years but it will eventually become a reality for him. it took me years to feel anything for my grandfather when he passed 15 years ago.

His reasons are his reasons. If he's gonna take a numb approach to this, then so be it 🤷🏻‍♂️


His reasons are his reasons. If he's gonna take a numb approach to this, then so be it 🤷🏻‍♂️

Michael Sawyer 11

you can't force someone to be sad. it will just push them away. He obviously has his own coping mechanisms. It might take months or years but it will eventually become a reality for him. it took me years to feel anything for my grandfather when he passed 15 years ago.

How old is he? If he's 5, this is unfortunate but understandable. If he's 23, it's horrible. Maybe you ought to start looking around on Tinder. Just see what's out there.

Even if they’re not together, telling someone to go date when a person as important as their child’s mother is DYING is even more sociopathic than the lack of response from a child.

I'm not suggesting he date just yet. I'm just telling him to look around for the future. I'm sorry you can't recognize a joke, but even sorrier that you misinterpreted it.

A joke’s all well and good, but if it’s in bad taste, it better be funny as hell to overcome the bad taste. This wasn’t that funny, even if it was funny at all.

Everyone grieves in their own way. You can't pigeonhole someone into feeling a particular emotion.

hopefully you don't have a little sociopath on your hands