
By Big_Tex23 - 06/07/2023 06:00

Today, I found out, and only after my stepdaughter told me, that my wife spent the whole weekend with another guy at the beach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 888
You deserved it 80

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

OK here's the thing about step children: sometimes they will go to any lengths to break up new relationships in the hopes their parents get back together. Please hold your emotions and talk with your wife about it before immediately believing. If she told the truth, then do what is best for you .

Hey, at least your wife didn't waste money paying off your stepdaughter's blackmail. You gotta give her some credit for that.


Hey, at least your wife didn't waste money paying off your stepdaughter's blackmail. You gotta give her some credit for that.

Nope she just used my money to pay for her trip

You're going to feel so silly when you find they only went to the beach to buy you a jet ski for your birthday or something.

Vesi 29

OK here's the thing about step children: sometimes they will go to any lengths to break up new relationships in the hopes their parents get back together. Please hold your emotions and talk with your wife about it before immediately believing. If she told the truth, then do what is best for you .

She has been divorced over twenty years from first husband and her daughter is 27

cpguru24 15

Ouch. That is terrible. Tough bumpy road ahead. Good luck man keep your head up you'll get through this. It will seem like you wont but time will make it better. Work on getting through the minutes, then hours, then days, then weeks. small steps and you will be ok in the long run.