Sheer class

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Norway

Today, I saw my crush walking on the other side of the street. She hadn't noticed me, so when she did I nonchalantly looked over and casually waved to look cool. I then walked right into a lamp post. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 807
You deserved it 38 482

Same thing different taste


love_to_laugh44 0

this is a classic movie moment that people talk about alll the time, so i doubt you even came up with that yourself.

aww. That's not embarassing. That's cute

if she wasn't a bratty bitch, maybe she found this cute. I would have.

haha, that sounds like something from out of a romantic comedy.

I've did something like this before.....

you know what i liked about this post? he didn't PROCEED to run into the pole, he just ran into it. everyone learn from this example

tfm272 0

aw that's ok. that could be kinda cute if you play it off the right way.