Sex work is work

By Hopeful - 27/02/2021 11:01

Today, barely able to pay rent while working 3 jobs, I decided to give in to the idea of making online sex work photos and videos. Everyone else seems to be making thousands doing it, so why not? Turns out that the only people interested in my body are scammers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 382
You deserved it 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

If you're at least conventionally attractive, and frankly even if you're not, probably just need to advertise a bit.

Everybody is not making thousands. Only a few can make the big money, while most others barely make any. As big as the customer base may be, it's finite, so while some suck-sex stories take a big piece of the pie and leave slivers for the others.


Probably FML wouldn't take kindly to posting a link. The biggest obstacle to making money in online sex work is you have to compete with the free stuff. Have you tried youtube vlogging to build your online persona?

tounces7 27

If you're at least conventionally attractive, and frankly even if you're not, probably just need to advertise a bit.

Everybody is not making thousands. Only a few can make the big money, while most others barely make any. As big as the customer base may be, it's finite, so while some suck-sex stories take a big piece of the pie and leave slivers for the others.

At least you didn't get fired from your three jobs because of your fourth job.