Set the scene

By NJ. - 24/01/2009 10:41 - United States

Today, I went to work things out with my girlfriend, with whom I'd had a huge fight with. She told me the night before to come over at noon and that she would be awake. I unlocked the door to see that the place was a mess. She'd thrown a party and was still passed out naked next to her boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 217
You deserved it 2 442

Same thing different taste

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MCart_fml 0

She's a career oriented girl, that much is clear..

blueangels7901 0

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There are only two idiots here you and OP's ex-girlfriend (assuming her broke up with her cheating ass)

imkool136 22

I accidentally hit the like button but you're comment is such a bitch thing I have to say I don't like it:(

kill the boss, sew up her pussy. Damn dude sorry though, that sucks

And this is a perfect example to why advice given in the comments section is ridiculously stupid bullshit.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

No, she deserves it. Hopefully he broke up with her.

etherealjoy 0
thatswasup 0

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