
By vela9002 - 06/04/2009 07:40 - United States

Today, on my flight to Vegas, I was wishing that a really cute guy would come sit in the seat next to mine. A few minutes later, a really cute guy sat in the seat next to me, and even started to talk to me. When I said, "I like rugged men," he said, "Oh yeah, me too, I really like buff guys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 681
You deserved it 13 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does one spark a conversation about liking rugged men?

BigMac_fml 0

Eh could've been worse, he could've been one of those weird dudes who insists on talking about the rash he gets when he sits near an attractive girl for a long period of time and then asks if you want to see.


i_like_chicks 0

Oh shit haha thats gotta suck :D

i dont see how this is an FML most of my friends are gay or bi YDI

metalfan333 0

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129 looks around 10. with all gay friends? barely anyone comes out that early.

redsox4021 0
wintamint101 7

the hot guys are always gay

rrx3 0

guess you gotta be more careful when you make a wish next time.

BigMac_fml 0

Eh could've been worse, he could've been one of those weird dudes who insists on talking about the rash he gets when he sits near an attractive girl for a long period of time and then asks if you want to see.

that sounds like a FML in its own right mate

Occam 0

I'm with #5; how is this an FML? So you're not going to nail him. Big deal, at least you have an attractive dude to look at for a few hours, and a friendly one at that.

HAHAHA!! but I really don't see the FML here. You didn't embarrass yourself in any way, and this is a mistake a lot of people were you supposed to know he was gay? So you met a cute gay guy...FYL? That's kind of stupid. Now you don't have to worry about impressing him for the whole flight, you could just have a normal conversation.

toxic_venom 4

its like being teased with something youll never have

How does one spark a conversation about liking rugged men?

pcentral 17

I'll offer my services if you'd like to practice...

Inspired22 11

Yeah, this is no FML. Who NEEDS to sit next to a cute guy who is straight? Come on! Have a positive attitude! You got to sit next to a cute gay guy who was probably fun to talk to!

It wouldn't be funny if you didn't try to steer the conversation, and I'm willing to bet in doing so you completely changed the subject.