Road to ruin

By Anonymous - 02/07/2023 00:02

Today, and for the past 3 years since I first started looking for work, my mother has once again cussed me out and called me "ungrateful" because I tried to get a job. She won't let me get my ID, and she will only apply to jobs around our tiny town that she "feels like doing." We're about to lose our home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 814
You deserved it 79

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are in the states, you REALLY need your ID before you turn 18. They are much harder to obtain after that point.

You're mom is an absolute mental control freak from Hell. You need to eventually get away from her. Indeed, do what you have to do. Get your ID and a job. Then when you start leveling up, LEAVE HER PSYCHOTIC ASS ASAP.


If you are in the states, you REALLY need your ID before you turn 18. They are much harder to obtain after that point.

You're mom is an absolute mental control freak from Hell. You need to eventually get away from her. Indeed, do what you have to do. Get your ID and a job. Then when you start leveling up, LEAVE HER PSYCHOTIC ASS ASAP.

if you're a minor call child protective services.

if you can find your birth certificate and social security card , maybe you can go by yourself to get your ID