Risky business

By Anonymous - 26/09/2021 19:00 - United States - Dallas

Today, I hooked up with a really great guy while I’m on a business trip. Would've been great, but found out he slept with someone else right after me, and stole my headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 545
You deserved it 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really need to recalibrate your definition fo “a really great guy” if it includes someone who sleeps with multiple women on the same night and steals from you. Maybe you meant “an attractive guy with a good job” or “someone who seemed like a great guy,” but by all measures this guy is an asshole. Also, public service announcement: go get tested after someone like that.

Mylife 12

This is what happens if, you want to hook up with a person you never seen before.


You're not really a great judge of character, are you? I hope your company doesn't sustain losses because of your "business trip."

Mylife 12

This is what happens if, you want to hook up with a person you never seen before.

You really need to recalibrate your definition fo “a really great guy” if it includes someone who sleeps with multiple women on the same night and steals from you. Maybe you meant “an attractive guy with a good job” or “someone who seemed like a great guy,” but by all measures this guy is an asshole. Also, public service announcement: go get tested after someone like that.

There is no reason to assume the aforementioned guy sleeps with multiple women on the same night or sleeps with women at all.

Lucky O'Guin 18

"He slept with someone else right after me" could certainly be construed as him having slept with more than one person in a night.

And1 12

How is he still a ‘really great guy’?

Remember hookups always like to take a memento.

If you can't trust a business trip, one-off hookup for monogamy and honesty, who can you trust?

The "cheating" is not that bad, the STD is slightly worse, but the headphones stealing? That means war!

diraven 15

Ok when you meet someone to hook up with on a business trip there's a 99% chance they're a prostitute

wait....you expect loyalty out of a hook up? okay....