
By Fcuked - 23/03/2011 04:40 - New Zealand

Today, I annoyed my friend by texting him "Meow" over and over at random times of the day because when he's drunk he meows in his sleep. Apparently a great way to get back at me was to tell my parents I wasn't a virgin, and that I got high on Wednesday. He had pictures to prove it for both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 620
You deserved it 68 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CateXOX 0

Why did he have pictures of you losing your virginity? Hmm mean friend :( But next time don't annoy him.


ulicksam 0

It's bad enough to do things you're not supposed to do, even things that are illegal, but how stupid do you have to be to let someone take pictures of it?

Umm, yeah.. YDI is written all over this. While I think his reaction was a little harsh, maybe it is a good lesson for you to not document such things on camera.. Just a suggestion.

gonzaval 0

I guess your "friend" dint like you much after the meows lol

I mean, what you did is really annoying, but his punishment does not fit your crime!

maybe you shouldn't take pics like that next time...

msl1333 4

cats brains are always in alpha mode which makes them sadistic freaks. they're always skulking around...plotting. you should have known that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

you_freak 7

I love how this site brings out the psychologists in everyone!

RedPillSucks 31

I don't know about the logist part, but it definitely brings out the psycho

uummmm and you didn't think of asking him just exactly how he had proof in pictures that you are not a virgin. Also your parents didn't find that questionable either....your friend is a creeper!!!