Red flag

By safety first - 08/10/2023 22:00

Today, my boyfriend told me that having my own condoms is unattractive, emasculating, and a turn off. According to him it's the man’s responsibility to provide the protection, and the fact that I have my own means I must have been very promiscuous if I needed to have them on hand. I’m allergic to the pill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 684
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Girl, run, don't walk. I don't even want to know what other misogynistic bs he's got stored up there. On another note though, have you considered an IUD or a birth control implant, if those are safe for you?

Hopefully you're more allergic to toxic, immature masculinity than the pill. Dump the manchild.


Girl, run, don't walk. I don't even want to know what other misogynistic bs he's got stored up there. On another note though, have you considered an IUD or a birth control implant, if those are safe for you?

exactly this is just the tip of the iceberg, imagine what roles he think you should both have when you're his wife? misogyny isn't just gonna go away

Sorry to tell you that, but your boyfriend is an idiot.

cut him loose now. if his masculinity is that fragile now it's only going to get worse

Hopefully you're more allergic to toxic, immature masculinity than the pill. Dump the manchild.

Looks like you're running some kind of wherehouse over there!

Women owning condoms? What in the world? Next you'll tell me they're allowed to drive and vote! But honestly, birth control is everyone's responsibility, and no one should ever have to ask permission or apologize for having it and using it.

You found an insecure prick! You win STDs, pregnancies, and a whinging loser who tears you down.

he's a man child pig stuck in like the 50's or something. he obviously has no respect for you. cut him loose now before it gets worse. trust all of us. we've seen it.