Read the room

By Anonymous - 28/02/2024 05:00 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, I proposed to the girl of my dreams. She asked me who I was, and maced me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86
You deserved it 1 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were not in a relationship with her, what the hell did you do that for? If you were in a relationship with her, why’d you do it before she had her coffee?

SaltyBlarog 6

If this is true, and you proposed to someone you're not actually in a relationship with, then this on you to be honest


SaltyBlarog 6

If this is true, and you proposed to someone you're not actually in a relationship with, then this on you to be honest

If you were not in a relationship with her, what the hell did you do that for? If you were in a relationship with her, why’d you do it before she had her coffee?

So there was no conversation before that? You didn't even check her state of mind before jumping to a proposal? That was a big mistake obviously.

Pro tip: propose only to a person you have dated for a while and who you are sure loves you enough to say yes. Avoid proposing to strangers at all costs. That was a deserved macing.

Nico97 3

Is this a sh*tpost? if so bravo

L0life29 6

How in the **** can there be people this ******* stupid?!? Seriously, if there is a god….he has a really odd sense of humor!