
By VHBJ - 16/06/2015 16:13 - United States - Charlotte

Today, I went out to eat. When I walked into the restaurant, a lady approached me and said she'd seat me soon. After a long wait, I saw that same lady leave. Then I realized she didn't actually work there and was just screwing with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 852
You deserved it 3 547

Same thing different taste

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19990231 29

Did you not see her sit down after she said that? A lack of uniform? Anything at all to tell you she didn't work there?

When you go to a restaurant, do you look for signs that you're being pranked by the employees?

Nope... That is why OP waited a long time to be seated.

19990231 29

#15, No, but it wasn't an employee was it?

That's irrelevant. 15 was simply asking when was the last time you went to a restaurant and immediately started wondering, "Gee, does that person asking my order/offering to seat me ACTUALLY work here?" Personally, that thought's never even crossed my mind.

AnonymousZOMBIE 12

well, if they are not wearing a uniform, then obviously they don't work there...I can't believe people are that gullible.

You have to admit, that was pretty clever and funny.

daisylokes 16

clever prank but would you think it was still funny if it happend to you ? lol

I would like to think so. My sense of humor is pretty warped. Most pranks end up with some one getting hurt. This one did not.

I would be pissed for having to wait so long for nothing, but at the same time I would have to laugh at just how ridiculous the situation was.

Clever? I guess. Funny though? It doesn't look look even close to funny from the side, and if I was in OP's shoes I'd be fuming

That's pretty weird, but were there no signs? She must not have been in uniform, or something else that could identify her with other waiters, right?

There might not have been uniform. I'm a hostess, and we just wear jeans & a black tee.

I'm amazed that none of the actual staff ever noticed you during that long wait. Trick or no, I'd have walked out and gone to a different location after such a wait.

The only way I could see the wait being this long is if there was no seating required and it was a "seat yourself" time. A lot of the restaurants let you seat yourself during the day or during times it's not busy, and then at night or during the busier times they seat you. Maybe that was the case here? Still though, you'd think a waiter walking by or someone would notice op standing there and let them know they could seat themselves.