Pirate move

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff

Today, I was kayaking with my friend. We figured it'd be awesome if I jumped from my kayak straight into his. Sounded good in theory. One flipped kayak, a pair of lost glasses, and a humiliating swim back to shore later, I'm starting to think it wasn't the best idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 716
You deserved it 26 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey guys, watch this..." Infamous last words till stupid stunt is done.


corky1992 33

Why on earth did you possibly think that was a good idea? Those things flip so easily and also wearing glasses probably wasn't a good idea either.

Kayaks are usually built for one paddler; how the heck were you planning to jump into your friend's? ...are you sure you weren't using canoes?

Actually, canoes are one-person boats that you sit inside, Kayaks are 2 or 3 person boats that you sit on top of like a normal rowing boat.

beastiness 14

Actually you have it backwards, kayaks are the ones you sit inside with one or two people max, canoes are open deck boats. I paddle and it annoys me that people make that mistake all the time

Preach! PS: I'm Canadian. I know the difference between a canoe and a kayak :P

You're just STARTING to think it was a bad idea? You should've known it was a bad idea as soon as you thought it.

Generally if something starts with "wouldn't it be cool if..." it's a bad idea.

AkBunny907 18

Do you at least have the excuse of being intoxicated?

What made you think that would go well? You're a complete idiot.

For future reference, whenever you figure something will be awesome, it won't be.