
By Jasmine - 14/07/2020 17:01

Today, I got fired during my maternity leave for requesting my unpaid wages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 051
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mooglefox 23

That is something I would get a lawyer for.


Mooglefox 23

That is something I would get a lawyer for.

yeah they can't do that. i'd consult a lawyer.

KookieLove666 15

Contact the EEOC, they deal with cases like this.

theyellowgoose 3

this is what a lawyer will tell you. I went through something similar

Did you barge into work with a shotgun ready to fire and yell, "Give me my ******' money or everyone dies!" No? Well, there's your first mistake...

If you are in the US Open a claim for wrongful termineation of the EEOC. You have 80 days from the date of being fired to do so. Once you've done that go talk to an employment attorney.

Isn't that illegal in most civilised countries?

I would look into getting a lawyer. My sister in law’s sister just got $50,000 for something similar.

Best day of your life im sure. Why you posting this here tho? "Oh fml I just made a a ton of cash with a court case any lawyer would jump at as an easy win oh what an I to do with all this money?" yeah wish I was you.