Pain in the ass

By Kaganate - 09/02/2010 00:32 - Canada

Today, I was sitting on the wooden edge of my coffee table watching my sister's boyfriend play Halo 2, when I leaned back to stretch and shattered the center pane of glass in the table. I now have a large gash in my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 584
You deserved it 25 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Vayant 0
pongmaster 0

Yeah, really? of course he'd see a doctor, if it was really bad he would have to gonto the hospital. Man, that sucks doorknob OP

dumb twat lol ydi if u want anpace to sit sit on A fking chair

Bugatti_Veyron 1

why did you deliberitly lean back to shatter the glass?

halo 2 kicks MW2's ass. have you ever played it? it is the iteration of awesome in a FPS.

daknox 0

it's called sitting on the couch then you wouldn't have that problem

^This and Halo 2 halo 3 and modern warfare 2 are the best games ever, let us not forget super jumping and modding back in the day :D but bungie killed that fun..

halo is nerdy game your shooting blue aliens mw2 its more realistic in Halo you were a metal suit wtf is with that it would be way too heavy and you jump like your on trampoline is ******* retarted. im ******* 12 and my friends 6 year old brother thinks halo's gay

gtfo ******, you're to young for this website anyways

It's scifi. If you knew something about the background of the game, you would know that the devs know the suit is supposed to weight half a ton and accounted for it

Don't be such a fat ass all the time and you won't get gashes in your asses

Number 80 is so adorable when he tries to bash a game that takes place 500 years in the future. Unless he has been to the year 2500, then he cannot say whether or not halo is unrealistic. If you had told Columbus that people would fly around in giant metal birds and instantaneously talk to each other through invisible waves and watch moving pictures he would have said that you were not making any sense.

uhhh. FYL cause your fat. on a side note...YDI for being fat. know your weight and don't put all your weight on one surface without being certain it can hold your fat ass.

@ #80 - Wow, what an argument. Surely 6 year olds have a great taste in games.

Wow, 80, there's a guide that explains everything. Just close the app, press it till it shakes, then press the x.

heybetch66 1

Firstly, I'm a ******* idiot. Secondly, next time sit on a ******* chair.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news 'just kidding' but you're second

I hate it when that happens. What a pain in the ass.

advent2060 4

how much of a fat ass are u and the OP?

jeromeco32 0
CookiesNOJ 0

Thats what u get for being a *****

i8muf4t 0

who still still plays halo 2??

haha I don't know, that's what I was thinking

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Ydi for sitting on a table dumbass. Besides, you should have chosen one that could actually take the load.

TheDaveCA 1

Who the hell still plays Halo 2?

DogmaT_fml 4

you just added two letters to your ass glass. thats hella expensive for a large pain of glass.