
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Chicago

Today, I learned how it feels to sneeze after having major spinal surgery when the pain medication has almost completely worn off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 876
You deserved it 1 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. I hope you heal and you don't sneeze often until you do.

Thats snot fun. hopefully you can take some painkillers and feel better!


Two years ago I had a scoliosis surgery. I definitely know your pain. Pain shot down my back whenever I had to get up from the couch to get food or use the bathroom. Basically I had a tent set up on my couch lol. Hope you feel better soon!! :)

Oh, God...Ouch...Hope you feel better soon.

Ouch!! I'm so sorry! I can only imagine how much that must have hurt. I know not all sneezes are stoppable, but it could be worth a shot. Whenever you feel a sneeze coming on at a not-so-great time, try firmly pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth (right behind your front teeth) for a few seconds. If that fails to work, close your mouth and pinch/press your nostrils closed for a few seconds. Though you may think you look silly doing that no matter how well you try to disguise it, if it works, it's so worth it! Best of luck and have a speedy recovery!

err i can only imagine. it hurt enough for me sneezing and coughing when i broke my collar bone.

danatrayter 7

I get the feel I've had brain surgery and gotten sneezy in the ICU it sucks

Ouch, that hurt me just to read. My deepest sympathies, OP.

I had a spinal surgery that was major and my sisters wouldn't stop making me laugh and it hurt after like ten minutes I sneezed at the same time, it sucks ****

solarsanteria 15

THE WORST. Been there. Hope you have an easy rest of recovery

i know this feeling. Im not sure which hurt worse, sneezing and coughing or trying to have a bowel movement. my best wishes for your healing. it is not fun.

oh ugh, cringing in sympathy. I wish you a speedy recovery and no more painful sneezes!