Oh, hello!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to go meet my new upstairs neighbor, only to find out nobody actually moved in. The noises that have been coming from up there were made by rats. Lots of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 432
You deserved it 2 419

Top comments

saranottelling 7

Have them make you a wonderful French meal. The rat in Ratatouille did it...


saranottelling 7

Have them make you a wonderful French meal. The rat in Ratatouille did it...

AT least you know that your neighbors won't throw any loud parties!

Well, don't rat on them! >:O ...yeah, that was a lame pun. PUN-ishment, even. Yeah? Yeah? No. :'(

ScaryyMary, I like your jokes :D Have a waffle from Kirby (>'')># Now the world is a slightly better place :D And OP...That's pretty funny. Rats are surprisingly clean animals...they're just riddled with diseases and fleas. Noone likes diseases. Or fleas. So either way you look at it...it's kinda gross :P FYL

It's neighborS! Hi!

ipwnallmen 10

dang, i wouldve move outta there fast like speed of light.. well.. at least splinter has a healthy sex life.... O/o aww the turtles r gonna have lotsa half siblings to dote on ^^