Off script

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at the rehearsal for my wedding, my mother told my bride's mother to fuck off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 996
You deserved it 4 265

Top comments

I sense a steel cage death match in the near future.


youaresofucked 0

This isn't an FML. Your life isn't ******, nor did you deserve it. Its just a sentence that's funny .....

Whiterabbitm1 0

#1... I disagree now that the inlaws are fighting it will cause tension in the relationship between them so therefore it is a FYL trust me I speak from experience

chloe2114 4

According to your profile, you are 13... How do you know how that feels?

Smack down, hair pulling bitch fight anyone? Then it's a FML

I sense a steel cage death match in the near future.

Bets can be placed on the winner to defray the cost of the wedding.

AntiChrist7 0

Never marry, it creates a lot of tension and you waste your life untill you are divorced. YDI

Definitely a FML. His mother has no respect for him and is lacking in manners. If it was the rehearsal you still have time to stop her from coming to the actual wedding.

ellybelly_502 4

If he has the balls to stand up to his own mother.. Most don't.

I agree that this isn't a FML because the parents of the bride/groom classically never like each other and it's likely that your Mom and her Mom will have very little interaction after the wedding. So just get threw the wedding and put it behind you