
By WTF - 01/06/2013 04:03 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I found out that the girl I've been talking to online and sending certain pictures to is actually my ex's new boyfriend. He ended up telling me he'd just wanted to see how he compared to me down below because my ex refused to go into detail about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 058
You deserved it 24 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inkdeath87 18

That sucks, but it's a lesson! Never send pictures to people online! You never know who's on the other side!

michaelm1290 23

Well then, that is certainly a whole new spin on catfishing


Be happy it was your ex's new BF on the next side and not Chris Hansen

On the plus side, your ex was respectable to not talk about it?

By the sounds of it her new bf is maybe a **** size queen bi guy who has seen pics of you dressed and sorta fancied you and wanted to see the junk that accompanied it. If he liked what he saw he may try hook up with you if not use a lame excuse. At least in my society. Asking of size is different then to want to see a pic. No fully "straight" male wants to intentionally see a strangers dick.

jarockstar27 10

Wow....that's just creepy and wrong...

Are you ******* serious? You would actually send pictures of your dick to someone you chatted with online and never met? What a ******* retard.

bmo1013 4

And that is why you don't send nude pictures to a stranger.

Poor guy... You should do the same thing to him for revenge...

Talking to a stranger online and sending them saucy pictures of yourself. I may be a bit cynical, but, that sounds like one of the more moronic patterns of behaviour to me.