
By Iwtumn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Austria - Deutschlandsberg

Today, a guy asked me for my number. Now I deeply regret giving it to him, because he won't stop sending me Bible quotes and pictures of Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 461
You deserved it 7 335

Same thing different taste

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r_bruce69 19

"No! No! God please no! no! no! noooooooooo!" -Michael scott


I'd suggest not giving strangers your number in first place but why don't you block him then?

I'd respond with pictures of Goatse and quotes from Nick Bate.

If you find out he wasn't drunk and was being completely serious are you still gonna pursue that? If he's not drunk then you're not reading to much into them. Send him quotes from the satanic bible is he doesn't stop.

write back about the flying spaghetti monster and anything he says saying how silly it is use back on him about jesus and his god

send him pictures of Mexicans named Jesus

Match him text for text with pictures of dicks, of all shapes, sizes, colours, and types of venereal diseases.

For God so loved the world that he gave to man gonorrhea.

Just send him pictures of broccoli with no explanation

Praising broccoli. I am willing to bet cold hard cash that SOME civilization worshipped a vegetable.

That's "y'all motherfuckers need Jesus" to a whole new leve

Ask him how to pray to god stop that bullshit.

They best way stop those texts is to send a spoiler alert text. I am sure you will get a response other than quotes