Not that there's anything wrong with that

By notgay - 21/06/2015 06:04 - United States - Cranford

Today, I brought my best friend home and told my dad we were going to study together. He loudly replied "Woah!", stumbled around for a few seconds like he was drunk, then apologized and said the "sheer amount of gayness" between us had overloaded his gaydar. We're not gay, dammit! FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 761
You deserved it 3 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess it's pretty clear your dad never studied with anyone


Abhimanyu 14

Gaydar xD that cracked me up xD

kiss your friend on the mouth thats what I do when my dad calls me gay.

nitrog100 21

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Miss_Batgirl17 12

I'm pretty sure he was just teasing you, OP. Don't worry about it, parents love to tease their children lol.

Grauncho 27

He's hopefully just doing it to annoy you.

So what if you're not gay? You're making it seem like it's annoying or negative to be mistaken for a gay person, when it's just as normal as being straight is.

I see your point but, to be fair, as a bisexual person it's annoying when everyone assumes I'm straight. It'd be like me constantly telling someone I'm bisexual and having them keep assuming I'm straight. That'd be very annoying so I can see where OP is coming from.

He's just jealous that you have a brofriend.

He obviously never studied with anyone and now has time to lounge around making gay jokes in his ample spare time. Loser