No joking allowed

By TecheyTim - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Latham

Today, a coworker and I pulled a April Fools' prank on our boss. She "borrowed" his keys and rolled down his window. I took a car window from a scrap yard and sprinkled it on the ground near his door. His response was to kick the nearest object in anger. The nearest object happened to be my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 523
You deserved it 12 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's an awesome prank...for anyone but your boss

it could have been worse... he could have busted one of your windows


This is definitely one of the worse situations but props to the good prank, too bad it didn't pan out!

What is he, a cyborg Bruce Lee? I doubt it did any kind of damage do your car..

Dude, car doors are made of really weak material and you can damage that very easily. Try it :P.

That seems oddly similar to a joke someone did on reddit... This smells fishy

Axel5238 29

YDI Of course he's going to be upset and react badly thinking his window's been shattered. Pick better pranks and know your audience.

Clearly your boss is an "act first, investigate later" kind of guy. If someone had broken his window from the outside, one would expect to see glass inside the car, and probably some shards on the door itself. A rolled-down window is much too clean.

YDI for messing with people's cars. We don't joke around with those.

Going you deserved it on this one. Pranks are all fun and nice when they are actually funny, and not stress inducing ones. I'd be mad too if I thought someone had damaged my car for real.

wrecklesswfire 2

this sounds more like karma