Nice neighborhood

By Mrs. W. - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Las Vegas

Today, a kid on a bike passed me and commented on my "big fat butt." Recognizing him from the neighborhood, I told my husband to go speak to his parents about the inappropriate comment. It turns out his father is the man who yesterday commented on my "big bouncing tits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 930
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shepardkinz 19

Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Just ignore them if you can but if they keep pestering you then report them


Ug - so sorry this happened to you. Definitely a good idea to report them if they persist, but for them to focus on big parts of your body, said parts must fascinate them at least a little ;)

Or they are compensating for their own tiny little parts.

...or the dad just feels entitled to make women uncomfortable and the son's emulating it. Harassment's more about humiliation than appreciation.

working with kids you realize that children pick up so much from their parents, I see it happen all the time.

What's up with all the recent FMLs with children not being punished by their parents for ****** up things. We live in a world where slapping some sense into your kid is considered "child abuse" it's child abuse when you let your child become a future rapist or sexual harasser

Blackbiker_fml 7

Sorry OP but you sort of YDI. If the son reports you for your "big fat butt" and his father for the "big bouncing ****" then you're clearly overweight and not living this too well. First of all YDI for not taking matters into your own hands as you should have, and YDI again for finding insulting the very plausible truth that you're overweight. If you don't like it, don't complain but do something about it...

leogachi 15

@32 Neither of those comments has anything to do with her weight.

You're right, that's why most doctors make sexual remarks when they see people of a high BMI in the street, so it decreases the burden on their services! Oh wait, they don't, because it's rude and unneccesary.

Like 33 said, saying that someone has a big butt and big boobs doesn't necessarily mean they're overweight. And, even if she IS overweight, you really think that means she deserves to get harassed in the street? How lovely.

Why cant you speak to the parents? You're an adult, so why send your husband?

1. They obviously think very little of this women, so are unlikely to listen to her but might respond to someone they see as more worthy of their respect (someone who has a nice reassuring lack of boobs) 2. Sometimes couples work in a team and do nice things for each other, such as doing the confronting when the other has their feelings hurt. You don't have to be little baby children to want to stick up for each other.

Maybe it's because she doesn't want to be sexually harassed again by the pervert and his son.

There seems to be some bounce in your life.

A restraining order might be a bit much...but if it keeps happening it might result to that

I believe in women speaking up for themselves but if that man doesn't respect women I doubt he will care what she has to say.