Nice guys

By Anonymous - 21/08/2021 10:01

Today, I broke a heel and fell. A real handsome guy helped me up, so being single I said I didn’t know how I might repay him, hoping he might ask me out. He asked me if I’d be willing to go to the public toilets round the corner and suck him off. Why do I even bother trying to find a nice guy? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 434
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because it appears you're not trying to find a "nice" guy, you're trying to find a hot piece of ass. You get what you look for.


Because it appears you're not trying to find a "nice" guy, you're trying to find a hot piece of ass. You get what you look for.

You had to invite him as a thank you. You expect him to pay for the help he gave you? You totally deserved that reaction.

She wanted to pay him. He thought the right price was a *******. She disagreed.

jordy200296 7

I thought 'nice guys' was another word for 'friendzoned'.

wysegirl 24

Easy.. looks don't mean he's nice.

Yummi_913 18

Your whole "oh I don't know how I could ever repay you" *bats eyelashes* probably gave him the impression that you would be easy. Sorry he put you on the spot like that though. Hope you didn't end up feeling cornered into giving him that blowie.

randybryant799 20

While I agree that he was disgusting you kind of left yourself open for it.

Sonotsuave 35

I don’t really agree with the comments that you were asking for it or anything, that’s very rude. And being that she randomly met a stranger, yeah of course the first thing she’s gonna notice is his looks. Nevertheless it’s super inappropriate for him to be gross and crude like that to a female stranger. Don’t listen to anyone else, keep your standards high & don’t settle. When you do that you’ll meet the nice guy you’re looking for.

I can only really speak for myself, but I don't think anyone's blaming OP about her trying to hit on the guy, let alone saying she was "asking for it". The problem here is that OP claims she's trying to find a "nice guy", yet went after some random guy just because of his looks, not his personality. I think everyone would react the same way if it were, say, a guy complaining he can't find a serious relationship, while going after drunken sorority girls in clubs.