Never do this, my dudes

By bluecollar - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, there was a luncheon at work in another dept. We all went to get some free food and see new faces. There was a hot girl walking around chatting. I grabbed my buddy's arm and told him there was a "nice pair of tits here." He saw her. She's his daughter. She's a new-hire… running HR. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 037
You deserved it 54 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky, if a coworker said that to my dad about me, he'd kick his ass. and yeah, you totally deserved it for referring to her that way.

Wow, I hope you know now that referring to women by their body parts isn't ok


Laxguitar37 0

Well then "playa" obviously if you talk like that the only resemblance to sex you will ever get is a male prostitute?

angryseatroll 5

Ugh! I hate it when men only look at women for the physical assets. It's shallow. Especially if a women is not dressed in a slutty manner. Women do the same thing. Look at a man for his looks. But not I'm that vulgar of a manner. YDI big time!

beth1843 0

wow how can all of you know for sure that the women offended by this are all hypocrites? just because some women you know may refer to men in sexist manners does not mean that all women do. duh. the women who are offended by this kind of behavior probably don't also carry it out themselves. it's wrong for either sex to say things like that, it not ok for women but not ok for men or the other way around. and no this was not a harmless compliment. he didn't refer to her as a person, he referred to her as a pair of ****. it'd be one thing to say that woman over there has nice ****, still not appropriate, but at least hes acknowledging that she is a person. basically if you say that this is a comment you wouldn't say to her face, because it would offend her, then its offensive. again, duh.

I hate people that judge women by there "****" it's ******* like you that say that and then go to flirt with her back off and go out with women for there "****" instead of their personality and then complain how much of an ass she is once you get to know her. **** off.

don't you love how fml comments have turned into a major-issue opinion sharing site? try to focus on the fml and not bashing on men and women and their differences.

laxer19 0

how bout evergone shut up cus the poor guy was just talking to his buddy, its not like he said it to her face , and he could of been younger than his friend, but if hea not than hes one ****** up guy

redbeater 5

You suck. a nice pair of **** feel good to look at.

I totally agree! people like that are so annoying! woman shouldn't b seen like that