Mr Nice Guy

By Anonymous - 23/01/2021 01:02 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, it was our 12th anniversary. My husband only remembered because family members texted to wish us a happy anniversary. When he went out to the store to get groceries, he didn't even buy me flowers. He's also irritated that I "seem sad or something." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 080
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry your husband is a thickheaded insensitive dolt, OP.

Don't tell her the secret of life! We've been married for 11 years, and him AND I have forgotten. Or I've remembered the day before! Well, why didn't you get HIM some flowers since you remembered, instead of making him shamed for forgetting? Love eachother even in faults!


I'm so sorry your husband is a thickheaded insensitive dolt, OP.

Lora Wood 11


xxlk4xx 6

mine goes to get groceries all the time 🤣

Amanda G Rich 23

So tell him next time instead of being a child and walking around sad. people forget things, dates are hard to remember and get jumbled up all the time. I have one word for you that will probably make you one of the happiest alive: communication.

Don't tell her the secret of life! We've been married for 11 years, and him AND I have forgotten. Or I've remembered the day before! Well, why didn't you get HIM some flowers since you remembered, instead of making him shamed for forgetting? Love eachother even in faults!

xxlk4xx 6

my fiance and I both keep forgetting the exact date we got together so now we just pick a random day every year in October and say happy anniversary! we also don't really do gifts either, just eat some yummy takeout food and have some sexy time!

I'm sorry to here that. y'all need that spark back.. well... he does your ******* awesome. don't let that get to you. go celebrate your self. for being suck a loving caring wife and the fact that you didn't forget and ... your a strong awesome person