More than I'd like to know

By Anonymous - 26/06/2023 22:00

Today, I had to restrain my neighbour because he and his wife were so stoned that they were trying to have sex on my lawn. I got close enough to find out they have matching genital piercings, a ring through her clitoris and an identical ring in his penis. I need therapy, or alcohol, lots of alcohol FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 068
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No. Get therapy and hit the gym. Don't drink the pain away... Sorry you saw a porno in person 😂

The fact that you hadn't dialed 911 the moment you saw them on your lawn is telling. You just watched them instead.


No. Get therapy and hit the gym. Don't drink the pain away... Sorry you saw a porno in person 😂

Why go to the gym? I've never seen one with an electroshock machine that can zap traumatic memories.

The fact that you hadn't dialed 911 the moment you saw them on your lawn is telling. You just watched them instead.

I’m curious how and why you got close enough to inspect their piercings?