Mistake or intentional?

By Anonymous - 11/08/2022 12:00 - Australia - Petrie

Today, my newly installed Ring doorbell captured crystal clear footage of my wife sucking off my brother on my porch. With sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 003
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

(1) Save the footage securely - It will come in handy. (2) Divorce.

Sorry you have to go through that. it's gonna take a lot to recover from something like that. your wife and brother.. man some people just don't know the damage they're responsible for. selfish assholes..


(1) Save the footage securely - It will come in handy. (2) Divorce.

Sorry you have to go through that. it's gonna take a lot to recover from something like that. your wife and brother.. man some people just don't know the damage they're responsible for. selfish assholes..

Oopsie daisy.... You now have footage right?! If its not an open relationship or some weird sharing partners between brothers I would walk away, and would produce the video as proof for divorce, and leave her with your brother. Let's hope brother isn't married? Must have been a great member to suck out on porch under camera. This cannot be accidental, like she knew there's a camera?? Keep it in the family I suppose

Sell the footage to an amateur **** site. Use the proceeds to hire a team of aggressive divorce lawyers.

Vesi 29

That is called revenge **** and is illegal. I know you like to snark but might wanna avoid suggesting illegal activities.

I guess better to know but damn that sucks. Had to be intentional Ring door bells are freaking huge and have a light letting you know you're being recorded. Were you already mid messy divorce?