Missing out

By Not stonks - 05/07/2023 03:00 - United States

Today, my workplace is doing a "time and a half" day for the Fourth of July. Take a wild guess at who is the only employee who's not scheduled to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 671
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have asked if anyone wanted to switch with you.

Maybe OP sucks as an employee and his boss wanted “workers” at that higher wage. Or… The norm used to be double time for working holidays. Never wish to work on a holiday at reduced rates, otherwise you’ll end up working all the holidays at possibly even lower rates.


That’s a red flag. I’d start looking for other employment.

Nikki 17

Is it not a public holiday? I wouldn’t be working that for anything less than double time!

you should have asked if anyone wanted to switch with you.

This is a toughie! Here goes: 1. Pat Sajak 2. Taylor Swift 3. Walt Nauta I hope the prize is one of those expanding hoses!

Maybe OP sucks as an employee and his boss wanted “workers” at that higher wage. Or… The norm used to be double time for working holidays. Never wish to work on a holiday at reduced rates, otherwise you’ll end up working all the holidays at possibly even lower rates.

To me this sounds like retail/restaurants type work. Ask, was that day of the week a regular off-day? If so, so be it! like others said, you could have swapped with another person. DOL has rules in place for Holiday and even overtime pay, this is nothing new and has been in place many years. Don't expect your employer to look and say something like, I don't want OP getting holiday pay, so let's screw him out of extra money. Quite honestly, you are just a number to them. If you had the time off, enjoy it.