
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I went to dinner with a guy I like and paid the $120 bill. After joking that he was an expensive date, he replied, "I'm laughing at how you think this is a date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 134
You deserved it 6 525

Top comments

I apologize on behalf of all men for the behavior of that douche.

Don't even waste your time with him then. Make sure you collect his half of the bill too.


hes def an asshole but I do have to ask why the hell you paid for him in the first place? the lad pays for the lady afterall, should he not have been paying in the first place?

Wait a few weeks then ask him out again at very expensive place order up big then skip out and let him pay. Note must check bathroom exits first.

pinchepriscyla 9

Uhh then he should've paid his cut douche

I'm not defending his behavior, because I think that what he said was rude, but I do think it's important that the two people are on the same page BEFORE they go out to eat. I was in a situation a few years ago where the guy thought it was a date and I thought we were just catching up after not seeing each other in over 10 years. But still, he could have been a lot nicer about it.

That is how 99% of how all dates go for men. Welcome to, the other side...

"I laugh"? Sheesh, he doesn't even know how to be a jerk correctly.

Hahaha oh man. Be glad you dodged that bullet.

that was terribly rude on his part i would make him pay for half i wouldnt of paid the whole thing

Well if you two didn't discuss how it was a date before hand, then he could've thought plainly and simply that it was just a dinner with a friend. Don't jump the gun next time til you know how they feel about you.

Two scenarios come to mind. The guy does this on a regular basis to get good meals and should have a warning splattered all over the Internet. OR maybe they are both men. OP asked the guy if he'd like to get something to eat. Therefore we have eliminated "the guy should pay" because they are both guys. OP may be gay and "the guy" isn't. So, if he didn't know OP was gay he would never assume it was a date. If you think about what info we have, scenario #2 it actually makes sense.