Memory loss

By UGH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to return a shirt to Target. My mom offered to do it for me on her way to work, so I gave her the shirt and receipt. Later, I remembered that on the same receipt I had purchased condoms, lube, and whipped cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 276
You deserved it 81 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Tell her it was a science experiment where you filled a lubed condom up with whipped cream and saw how long it took for it to explode in a microwave.

Hahahaha, I wonder what there person at the check out was like when you had all those rung up. :P


all i got to say is u wear shirts from target

ohhhhshizzz 0

#20, you are an idiot. and your nickname on here is ihatestupidpeop1 you didnt even spell PEOPLE, you jack ass. wow you really need a life. and lmfao. well yeah a science expirement would do wonderful, but i can see youll be having "the TALK" again soon. deny deny denyyy. just say you wanted to make whipped cream balloons, and there were no balloons so you got condoms then you wanted the lube cause you thought itd help your back with massages your friend gives you:)

ohhhhshizzz 0

#20, you are an idiot. and your nickname on here is ihatestupidpeop1 you didnt even spell PEOPLE, you jack ass. wow you really need a life. and lmfao. well yeah a science expirement would do wonderful, but i can see youll be having "the TALK" again soon. deny deny denyyy. just say you wanted to make whipped cream balloons, and there were no balloons so you got condoms then you wanted the lube cause you thought itd help your back with massages your friend gives you:)

I doubt your mom even took a close look at the receipt, don't sweat it.

crunkkidz 0

#2's comment FTW and you didn't stop to think about how that stuff was on the reciept? lol Well, shit happens! :)

At least you're being safe!!! Maybe she didn't even look at the receipt and just handed it over!?

ajg_8 0

I know its been said over and over, but I'm still shocked that people aren't aware that Target sells this stuff. It's not like they said that they bought a *****, handcuffs, and a whip..... condoms, lube and especially whipped cream are not that strange....

Pretty sure she took a good look at the receipt.

scarletgem21 0

Haha that's really awkward, but what can you's life.

kellster 2

Lol. FYL for letting your mom do your errands! Grow up and take care of your own shit, dude.