May to December

By b…… - 01/10/2022 11:30

Today, after 20 loving years together, my husband had a “change of heart” and decided to leave me for his 26 year-old employee. He’s 64. I can’t get him fired because he’s the owner of the company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 167
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would getting him fired be your first idea on how to get revenge? Divorce court will get you everything you want.

What a disgusting human being, betraying you with another woman young enough to be his daughter. Divorce him and get everything. Also sue for breach of promise and emotional distress.


Why would getting him fired be your first idea on how to get revenge? Divorce court will get you everything you want.

Cancel culture run amok right here with the OP. Instead of going to file a divorce, the first thing they think of is getting them fired. God bless America.

What a disgusting human being, betraying you with another woman young enough to be his daughter. Divorce him and get everything. Also sue for breach of promise and emotional distress.

It's society's fault. In a society that ranks men's status with wealth (which is often accumulated later in life) and women's with beauty (which to many peaks in their 20s), it's inevitable that pairings like these are going to happen.

Some things are just bad news and nothing will make things go back to the way it was. When this happens we have to operate at survival level until you have better options… Obviously divorce is in the very near future and with that will come splitting of the joint assets (see a lawyer) and most likely support payments… Be aware however that men and women are equal under the law. Just because you are a woman or were betrayed does not mean you “get everything”. You are generally entitled to 1/2 of everything that was acquired during the marriage (except for personal gifts and prior possessions) and that includes the business - Unless there was a prenup that stipulates otherwise. Revenge is a pointless motive. Sure it’s human to want that. But in the end the more unreasonable you are the more it will cost you. See a lawyer, learn the facts in your state (and country). Go for a settlement that is realistic, otherwise the lawyers will get much of the proceeds that could have been realized.

LifeWonderer 4

That guy deserves to be ****** in the ass :)