Lock him up

By Homelesssoon - 07/10/2022 22:00 - United States

Today, I visited a friend’s house. He has a vast collection of Cartier bracelets. Being strapped for cash and starving, I stole one of them when he wasn’t looking, thinking he wouldn’t notice one missing. I went to pawn the bracelet. It’s fake. Rent’s due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 179
You deserved it 3 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep stealing and you'll end up in rent free accommodations.

Why would you steal from a friend anyway? That's pretty scummy.


And now you're down at least 1 friend also.

Never heard the phrase "Crime doesn't pay"? It's one you should learn, although I hope you'll also soon be learning "Touch my Cartier and I'll cut you, bitch!"

Keep stealing and you'll end up in rent free accommodations.

Why would you steal from a friend anyway? That's pretty scummy.

Why didn't you sell it? Most dumbasses wouldn't know the difference between real and fake. Pawning it would get you a fraction of the money. The bad choices keep happening.

notthatoldyet 15
fuckifiknow 1