Little perv

By cplaner - 04/02/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I was teaching swim lessons. I got felt up by a 6 year-old boy. Three times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 750
You deserved it 5 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I teach swimming lessons too. I was teaching a 13 year old autistic kid and got felt up. He is a deaf mute so he doesn't even understand what you tell him. Hi James! Im Jenn! *proceeds to touch my boobs* Me: alright... not okay +Jenn+

Is the FML the fact that it's the only person you've ever gone that far with?


vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

Sounds like a job perk to me. Do you know if they're hiring?

Hey if you see an opening to get some you go for it and that goes for all ages.

I think there's a word for that... oh yeah, pedophilia. Why would you want that??

Is the FML the fact that it's the only person you've ever gone that far with?

LenWK 0

I teach swimming lessons too. I was teaching a 13 year old autistic kid and got felt up. He is a deaf mute so he doesn't even understand what you tell him. Hi James! Im Jenn! *proceeds to touch my boobs* Me: alright... not okay +Jenn+

Oh my gosh what is up with accusing this person of being a pedo!? I innitially thought.. "eeeek awkwardness!".. I didn't think "OH I BET THEY LIKED IT THE PERV!!!" What the hell!?

FlickMyBean 0

Kid knows what he's doing.

A six-year-old grabs her boobs and it's HER fault? Wow. Maybe some day the people saying it's her fault will have a kid randomly grab their crotch. Then they'll be "pedophiles" too. Smart.

A while ago, my 5 year old cousin whas going through that stage as well. He would sit on top of me and try to grab my boobs or look under my shirt. Seems he was doing that to everyone. Luckily, it wore off eventually.