Let that sink in

By Anonymous - 04/10/2010 21:42 - Canada

Today, I was rushed to the hospital to deliver my child. On the way, I called my husband who was in a bar with his friends. Drunk, he just yelled, "BROS BEFORE HOS!!" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 842
You deserved it 8 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

*Long distance support* What a jerk move! Hang in there!

Oh wow.. that is terrible. I don't see how he can save himself from this one, bonding issues?


this man is a true bro. he should be commended

heliumhead 0

this is one of the most awesome things i've ever read. lol

YaoiDoll19 0

I would have killed him. No reason for him to say something like that drunk or not. I am sorry.

Why is your husband out at a bar getting smashed when you're about to have a kid anyway? You should take a good long look at your marriage.

guyjones 0

give him a high five! he is a dick but you gotta give it to him, that was a goodn

JacksonCampbell 9

Misspelling something in capital letters. Good job.

congratulations, on the kid not the husband

gomerturd 1

YDI you're the ho that married him.

Your comment :WTF!!!! Is your husband 10?!?