Late announcement

By 307 - 19/05/2023 03:00 - United States - Omaha

Today, it’s Mother’s Day. My mother-in-law, who is batshit crazy, bought her daughter a pinwheel. My MIL claims she “saw it and knew it was for her.” Her daughter is 47. This might be laughable, but over the years, her daughter is slowly turning into her. I’m effed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 539
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, why so judgmental? It wasn’t your gift, and it’s not your mom. Frankly you sound like you are just looking for something to criticize. Back off - It doesn’t affect you.

It's probably an in-joke that you don't get. When I dine with my adult daughter at fancy restaurants, I always inquire about the chicken nuggets. I'm not crazy -- it's an inside joke between us because of how she ate as a child.


It's probably an in-joke that you don't get. When I dine with my adult daughter at fancy restaurants, I always inquire about the chicken nuggets. I'm not crazy -- it's an inside joke between us because of how she ate as a child.

Does your SO appreciate the gift, though? That’s the important bit as the gift-ee. Really not a fan of the way you’re dismissing her, either

OP, why so judgmental? It wasn’t your gift, and it’s not your mom. Frankly you sound like you are just looking for something to criticize. Back off - It doesn’t affect you.

*man witnesses normal interaction between two women* FML!! seriously what even was the problem? you just hate her? or both?

My mom had no idea why she felt the need to buy a hairpin with a blue rose on it in the 70's. I was born in the 80's and infatuated with blue roses. She dug it out of storage and gave it to me as the gift she bought me before she met me. Sometimes objects just call to us.