Knock first

By jesus christ, dad - 06/09/2013 16:48 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, for the third time since breakfast, I accidentally walked in on my father wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 903
You deserved it 7 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That man seriously needs to invest in a lock.

Lol, why did you keep going to see him after the first time??


lol gross where do you keep walking in on him?

Could be worse... U could have walked in right when he came and made eye contact.. But its still awkward to see that i recommend THERAPY ASAP

Worse than that still: his load could have made eye contact with OP!

perdix 29

I'd think after the first time, you'd learn to walk backwards and make lots of noise as you entered rooms. On the other hand, your mum has a job to do!

Invest in some horse blinders and earplugs. Or avoid your father at all costs today.

He must be a Manchester City supporter, Go Man United!!!

Lock yourself in your should be safe...